選科與搵工(加港移民雞精班 - 衣食住行篇) 家和是加拿大註冊慈善機構。提供新移民,家庭,殘障及特殊需要服務。此系列短片志在為有需要移居加拿大的朋友提供有用資訊,但家和並不提供移民咨詢或移民顧問服務。 CFSO is a re...
加港移民雞精班 - 心靈篇: 溫哥華街坊會 Vancouver Kaifong Association https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr_zLHkICmA 加港救生艇申請 #CFSO ...
https://youtu.be/XJP9GVpKal8 依到讀書當然係無HK咁大嘅壓力 大家就算讀同樣嘅野 但係環境上真心開心好多 我自己本身係學校老師係完全無歸屬感 我真係尼咗依到先體會到咩叫開心地讀書 當然我係仍然好憎讀書 但...
Authentic Japanese restaurant. Specializing in fresh sashimi on rice bowls.
Hills boss liquor 請人! 全職日更或夜更 Job description: Cashier, unpack stock, stock take, Greeting customers, cleaning etc, c...
行維多利亞皇后街市 買魚生丶鮑魚整刺身 必試美味青口 食墨爾本最好味嘅冬甩之一 https://youtu.be/rMMYXoBYFL8
https://youtu.be/_xkp5RqGzLY CFSO #家和 #加港移居途徑 #HKPathway #加拿大 #生活常識 #日常生活 #生活小貼士 #贏在起飛前 * 家和是加拿大註冊慈善機構,提供新移民,家庭,殘...
JUST RELEASED 2021/07/14: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada/permit/open-...
Hong Kong Link Up is a non profit organisation which aims to link up British residents with Hong Kongers arriving in ...
Yuubi Japanese Restaurant has dishes for anyone interested in genuine Japanese cuisine, all served in a warm, relaxed...
Our fruit juices and tea leaves are imported directly from Taiwan
Yarra Valley 3日兩夜 Part 2 走進森林玩樂溪澗 Rainforest Gallery Yarra River Redwood Forest Big Peninsula Tunnel https://youtu.be...