因為疫情!全球物價上漲! 以前買餸感覺上平過香港,而家已經唔再一樣,我今日就帶大家去我自己覺得平少少嘅超市睇睇係咪貴過香港! 好世界大型超市 Field Fresh Supermarket 5661 Steeles Ave E, Sc...
香港食品オンラインショップ「HKストア」- 正規輸入品・安全・安心 在日香港人的網上購物平台,致力為日本市場引入多元化優質香港零食飲品。 021年3月1日HKストア開店いたします! Facebookは主に広東語でつぶやきます。 LIN...
JOB POSTING Community Family Services of Ontario offers linguistically sensitive and culturally responsive counsellin...
Community projects awarded government funding to help Hong Kongers settle into life in the UK 47個全國及地區性 支援包括教育,精神健康服務...
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Hong Kong Style Cafe and light food in Manchester
如何從在加拿大安省執行醫學放射行業 How to get into a career in Medical Radiation Technology CMRITO Application Guide 2020 https://cmr...
喺日本住,唔多唔少都會遇過地震嘅。每次有地震,相信大家都會第一時間諗:「係時候執下個防災包啦!」但……到底應該點執? 今日就等我哋手把手咁教你啦! 根據東京都防災手冊,我哋要準備嘅嘢有 2 set: Set 1:日常儲備 平日應該一直...
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Our team of trained electricians in Vancouver can repair any issue. From installations to emergencies, big or small, ...
加港移民雞精班-就職篇: 傳理系工種 Canada HK LifeBoat - Careers: PR, Media & Communications Careers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E...