carbonara recipe for 1 person Ingredients: 1 egg yolk (with 1/4 of egg white if you prefer less sticky sauce) 50 gra...
巧出奇,明明呢間野熱捧炸雞,賣相當然好靚,但食落去雞肉霉爛又乾,外面個皮又唔夠熱,好明顯啱啱求其返炸,竟然可以令一向愛惜食物知慳惜儉既小編第一次食炸雞食到中途放棄。 然後薯條就真係新鮮炸起,加埋調味粉,好彩呢碟係食得落口。 更加出奇...
相信每位搬嚟澳洲嘅朋友, 啱啱到埗會發覺同一樣嘢, 喺香港同澳洲嘅價格可以分別好多。 出街食飯貴, 少數怕長計, 又因為呢度時間多好多, 所以唔少人都開始煮下飯。咁當然我地係食香港嘅家常餸大, 自不然都會蒸下魚呀, 炆下肉呀... 呢...
6-8月係薰衣草盛開嘅季節,英國旅遊局推介8個薰衣草田 South-west England 1 Cotswold Lavender - Cotswold Hills Where: Hill Barn Farm, Snow Hill,...
We put a lot of effort into sourcing, preparing and crafting the dishes from the heart. *Hong Konger Recommended Serv...
嚟到6月終於有少少熱既感覺,終於•等到•夏天•嚟啦! 本來滿心期待可以玩多d戶外活動之際,shit,呢期既weekend總係不停落雨,一落就落到黑色暴雨咁,一返工就天朗氣清,佢老味。 Yes,就係西雅圖呢種變幻莫測既天氣,成為呢到...
We are a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to aid and empower Hongkongers in Britain. It is the first Hongkongers...
We are a group of Hong Kongers living in Victoria, who are gravely concerned with the situation at home in Hong Kong ...
Lightime CIC (Manchester) 的成立宗旨是透過舉辦不同的藝術、文化、歷史、教育活動,去讓下一代接觸香港歷史和文化,從而建立香港的民族精神,並一代一代的承傳下去。
英倫香港人書店 | UK Hongkonger Bookstore 縱身在彼岸,願你仍能從文字中呼吸香港氣息,背負香港命運。 用自己嘅語言保存自己嘅文化,藉書本一代代咁流傳落去。
A Taste of Hong Kong Delicious Food Corner offers quality food that back memories of the delicious dishes most diner...