英國揸車嗰陣時,發生交通意外應該點算好? 英國 Automobile Association (AA)梗係有寫啦 但係睇晒成篇野都冇話打電話搵朋友 ??....... 唔知香港考車係咪冇教,定係好似我咁,個車牌係吸返嚟嘅呢? htt...
如果喺 San Fransisco 行到悶,或者景點都睇曬,附近仲有咩地方好去呢? 無論自己揸車,或者參加一日遊,都可以去矽谷睇下,可以見識到唔同嘅科技巨頭嘅總部,同埋全球知名嘅大學,好適合日日用開 smartphone、社交媒體嘅男...
維多利亞 Victoria
Casual family restaurant serving tasty chinese dishes since 1997. With more than 200 items and combos on the menu, th...
Michelin guide: 今次介紹Happy Hour 嘅主角係 oyster ( 3 pm to 6 pm). 今次點了Seared tuna sashimi and rock oyster (around 13 pounds...
捌哥.捌哥是馬拉話Bagus Bagus嘅譯音,意思即係"很好,很好",顧名思義,我哋由香港深水埗發展到英國嘅目標,就係希望能夠有一間好特色地道馬來西亞餐廳,令到大家可以嚟到享用馬拉美食
平民美食 Guay Jub Mr Joe 連續多年得到米芝蓮推介。聽落以為老闆係西人Mr Joe 賣西餐,原來係屹立曼谷幾十年嘅泰式潮汕粿汁專門店。如果你唔係潮汕人士,粿汁就係胡椒豬雜湯加卷狀河粉嘅潮汕麵食。由於舖頭門口永遠有堆人等緊...
Pic 1 - Orea croffle and dalgona coffee latte Pic 2 - Strawberry croffle IG: onebitecafe_seattle Address: 1026 NE 65t...
愛丁堡 Edinburg
估唔到係Seattle downtown遊客區貴價地段都揾到平野食! 呢間泰國餐廳係Seattle有兩間分店,其中一間同著名既pike place market同gum wall只係相隔一條街。最surprise既係小編同港女去試食時...
專業收留感覺口渴,感覺餓的人。 (最後點餐時間10:30pm)
Located in Liberty Village, we repair all types, shapes, and sizes of cameras and photographic equipment. So don't he...