雖然我係LAS VEGAS生活 但大家唔好誤會我衣食住行都係賭場or酒店 VEGAS係一個正常城市on top一條Strip 賭城以外好大個世界 為左唔好比大家錯過local好滋味 同埋下下都食訓痾係Strip 我決定!!!!!!!!...
https://youtu.be/Y5vci-3mWcQ CFSO #家和 #加港移居途徑 #HKPathway #加拿大 #生活常識 #日常生活 #生活小貼士 #贏在起飛前 家和是加拿大註冊慈善機構,提供新移民,家庭,殘障...
冰室創辦於2020年, 由兩位原生活在沙田的店主創辦。 主打香港的茶餐廳食品,如西多士、沙嗲牛肉丁、絲襪奶茶等名物。裝潢上配上各種香港的文化小飾品,讓人有身置於香港的感覺。2022年,因緣際會,由另外兩位同樣成長於沙田的年青人,出於對...
為乜要移民? 細個移民有咩感受? 小學時被歧視 點解大個又會返香港? https://youtu.be/oSFTYxGCe24
(1) 學車考牌 - 駕駛執照: https://www.icbc.com/driver-licensing/Pages/default.aspx - 筆試練習: https://tests.ca/ - 電單車: KamenRider...
前半島主廚主理 美港式Fusion菜 About Us Colette is a Cantonese-based creative Asian restaurant that welcomes people from all walk...
Founded in 1991 in the Sunset neighborhood of San Francisco, Music City Academy provides music lessons by well qualif...
琴日走左去支針(Seattle center) 度行: 首先走入左個Hot Chocolate 5k/15k expo, 再行去噴水池附近欣賞, 沿路上都有人席地而坐係草地上, 草地其實好好坐、涼涼地, 係天然既人工涼床,天熱時去訓下...
Dr. Ricky See and his team can serve you well in Cantonese. His offices equipped with the latest dental technologies...
Import Book and Magazine from Hong Kong Taiwan and Japan FedEx shipments weekly from Hong Kong Taiwan and Japan
士嘉堡南亞馬來美食!請支持本地商店! 因為之前係街坊街里,所以食到做好朋友! 必食!咖喱牛腩薄餅! South Asia Malaysian Cuisine (416) 291-3892 https://goo.gl/maps/AtL...
提供當季&在地化的蔬食,並希望以知性且生活化的方代傳遞健康飲食資訊。 We offer seasonal & local vegetarian food and hope to promote healthy diet via eve...