去墨爾本嘅添好運食香港點心, 好味過香港? 遊覽墨爾本蛋糕、烘焙丶甜品展 - Melbourne's Cake, Bake and Sweets Show https://youtu.be/MuzhRgtNMRM
今次介紹係我哋單車團隊一年一度嘅盛事!我哋單車會個名叫247,所以每年我哋都會有一日係踩247公里單車,今年我哋選擇環湖Lake Simcoe !我究竟踩唔踩得晒呢? 即刻去片! 我地身處多倫多香港人單車會嘅一個活動,有靚景,有單車,...
港式雞煲餐廳 +886 2 2765 9891 Whatsapp: +886 919 968 333
公眾對家庭暴力及虐兒的責任 2021.05.19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPRSwPmy4bU http://www.youtube.com/CFSO_TO https://t.me/cfs...
officiant - marry couples, perform baptisms & life celebrations in Ontario. 證婚人 紅白二事、洗禮均可,加拿大安省,主要服務大多倫多地區。
Furniture store in Scarborough area. 利安傢俬
Our fruit juices and tea leaves are imported directly from Taiwan
港青迎新師兄師姐計劃 Mentorship Program for Hong Kong Newcomer Youth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzJ2qfnBomQ 師兄師姐計劃: https...
真﹒香港人終於有一個屬於自己嘅商會💛 🎉 由沈旭暉教授及多位英美港商成立嘅「香港商匯 Hong Kong Business Hub」係一個獨立嘅國際組織,旨在支援、推動和連結喺英美發展嘅港商;同時促進和維護港商喺英美嘅利益。 我哋會陸...
如何投票 How to Vote in an Election https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_Ri-fNkLjU https://votecompass.cbc.ca/canada
Go straight to the slopes (between 26 December 2021 and 8 April 2022)
澳洲社區工作 職業資訊 Job Hunting Community Service https://youtu.be/Hq0MBE18hcQ Job-hunting, sponsorship and working in remote...