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多元智能 全面發展 啟動孩子的天賦 建立自信快樂的個性 foster child development based on the theory of multiple intelligences
A Taste of Hong Kong Delicious Food Corner offers quality food that back memories of the delicious dishes most diner...
前半島主廚主理 美港式Fusion菜 About Us Colette is a Cantonese-based creative Asian restaurant that welcomes people from all walk...
Hong Kong Style Dessert Snacks Drinks in Rosemead
Our fruit juices and tea leaves are imported directly from Taiwan
In Mia's Goodies, you can find cream puffs, mochi, sweet sago drink, and some other HK street food. English interview...
◎今次文長圖多慎入◎ 又係我……上次講咗少少紐約州,今次就講另一個香港人移民多嘅州份 —— 加州。而要講加州就點都唔可以唔提用『國家公園之父』命名嘅 John Muir Trail 喇! 介紹返: 加州 John Muir Trail...
紐約州 Breakneck Ridge (Trailhead: https://goo.gl/maps/5hEeSoVRSAc6jf8z7) 呢個係『斷頸』,唔係斷背、唔係斷背、唔係斷背!(重要嘢講咗三次喇)。 https://hik...
每年四月底至五月中都係野花盛開嘅季節,成個山坡會佈滿 Balsamroot(黃色) / Lupin (紫色),去到後期又會改為 Indian Paintbrush (紅色)。 呢個區域有好多唔同難度嘅 hiking trails,由大...
單以戶外活動地區嚟講,Utah 係我最鍾意嘅州份之一;國家公園都有五個,可以玩嘅地方多到講唔晒,所以今次只可以勉強介紹一個。 介紹返:錫安國家公園 (Zion National Park) Zion Canyon Visitor C...
今次講吓維珍尼亞州 Virginia。美國東岸有國家公園嘅州份唔多,Virginia 算係少數一個,個名係 Shenandoah National Park,對香港人嚟講可能會比較陌生。雖之然筆者喺中學就已經聽過呢個大名喇...皆因學...