除咗比較多人知嘅卑詩省府維多利亞(域多利),温哥華島上仲有好幾個大城小鎮。 Victoria 係喺島嘅最南,沿住島嘅東邊上去有 Mill Bay, Duncan, Chemainus, North Cowichan, Ladysmit...
列治文有各式各樣的社區,提供多元化的房屋選擇,包 括單戶房屋 (single-family homes)、城市屋 (townhomes)、 共管式/分契式住宅 (condominiums)、俗稱「柏文」的 公寓住宅 (apartmen...
Back when I was a foreign student in Victoria decades ago, I could get a BC driver's license just like other resident...
Eye Square Optical is dedicated to provide excellence in client care and service. We provide the highest quality lens...
政府註冊正規公司. 搬家送貨,家具運送,組裝家具,商業運輸,清理雜物,長/短期室內存倉(24小時電腦錄影監控),免費估價! Moving, delivery, long/short term indoor storage with 2...
「溫哥華卑詩街坊福利會」(Vancouver BC HKer Kaifong Welfare Association)的成立,旨在連結大溫地區以至卑詩省的新舊香港移民,共組更團結互助的港人移民社群。大家都曾經做過新移民,希望有經驗的街...
京士柏美食 Kingspark Good Food (美食中心裡的港式早晨套餐) 地址:#2129 Crystal Mall Food Court, 4500 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC 電話:604-438-3348...
Casual family restaurant serving tasty chinese dishes since 1997. With more than 200 items and combos on the menu, th...
Recommended by locals 以上資訊由溫哥華卑詩街坊福利會提供~ 記得去MeWe 科勞返人地呀~~~~^_^ https://mewe.com/join/vancouverhkers
Cozy, old-school Chinese spot with late hours making sizable Cantonese plates to eat in or take out. 以上資訊由溫哥華卑詩街坊福利會提...
以下係一位已經做咗永久居民嘅港人媽媽嘅分享: 其實生仔唔會花好多錢, 你生時就算開刀, 又或者一對一護士都唔洗錢。 我由懷孕到開刀無花過一蚊, 生完你有Canada child benefit: https://www.canada...
10月尾終於考咗Class 7 成功加拿大一take pass 唯一左轉唔穩定有細Tick同最後講一講 見大部份人最困擾都係揸咩牌應該點考法(特別P牌/過期牌) 所以就足足6張講唔同持牌情況 太多唔同組合 都應該仲有漏 不過有需要再...