港籍新宜蘭人,羅東早晨黑夜早餐店的前老闆~ 現在決定改以流動方式到處遊走、繼續把港式街頭滋味帶給大家
In the heart of New York City, at 969 3rd Ave (between 57th and 58th Streets), is a place where time-honored barberin...
之前就同大家分享過陪老竇同媽咪返香港換領新身份證同回鄉證嘅經過。今集就陪兩老去澳門尋回舊日嘅足跡。我哋坐金巴經港珠澳大橋去澳門,去咗一啲非遊客嘅澳門景點同埋繼續發揮我嘅為食精神😋😋😋 戴個頭盔先,呢一集並無什麼聲色犬馬嘅行程而只有一個...
機會嚟啦飛雲!內華達州首府卡森城(Carson City)近日宣佈,將獎勵兩名行山客每人現金五千美元,明年夏季從卡森城向北挑戰,完成 Pacific Crest Trail 嘅壯舉。詳情可參考: https://www.backpac...
Enamel's team is absolutely outstanding. They worked their magic on my teeth, and the results of the teeth whitening ...
純粹想滿足自己買福袋嘅慾望,結果俾我搵到個平袋碰碰運氣🛍️🛍️🛍️ 大阪之旅 4000円福袋開箱 100円店掃貨買啲咩? 澳洲入境報關小貼士 https://youtu.be/PeqBDMVwqEA
身痕想搵嘢做但又未ready去返長工, 又唔想咁大壓力究竟可以撈啲咩?喺澳洲住咗咁多年都冇諗過做呢啲兼職, 可以warm up 吓返工嘅心態之餘原來都幾好玩👩🏻💻👩🏻💼 https://youtu.be/5h9-OVl2kd8
Recognizing the growing demand for plant-based products, the restaurant's chefs go out of their way to offer a specia...
Mailbox Peak Parking:(https://maps.app.goo.gl/VQUmfjfBfenBv98q7) 距離西雅圖市中心四十分鐘車程。 今次係介紹:華盛頓州 西雅圖附近 最出名嘅單日行山點 Mailbox P...
Best End of Lease in Toowoomba with our exceptional services. Our team of professional cleaners is committed to ensur...
Bodycomp Imaging makes use of Hologic DXA scanners. These devices use a process called x-ray absorptiometry to take a...
上個週末偽文青上身👩🏻🎨👩🏻🎤 去咗一個純澳洲製造嘅市集🧵🪡👗🧶🎨🍕🌮🍸 之後又去咗Fitzroy 一間布藝舖同Gorman Outlet尋寶 夜晚又懶得煮飯🤭 就去咗近期嘅飯堂食超抵馬拉餐🍜🍲🍛 佢仲要週末冇收附加費😬😋 h...