悉尼好多人, 尤其係老華僑都識富麗宮 (Marigold), 佢都算迄立咗好多年。同時, 亦係好多華人團體搞慶節活動, 聚餐, 新聞發布會嘅熱門地點之一。 佢令我諗起細個時啲舊茶樓, 非常中式的裝潢, 以紅及金為主... 喜慶嘛。可能...
英國揸車嗰陣時,發生交通意外應該點算好? 英國 Automobile Association (AA)梗係有寫啦 但係睇晒成篇野都冇話打電話搵朋友 ??....... 唔知香港考車係咪冇教,定係好似我咁,個車牌係吸返嚟嘅呢? htt...
cantonese restaurant hong konger restaurant
捌哥.捌哥是馬拉話Bagus Bagus嘅譯音,意思即係"很好,很好",顧名思義,我哋由香港深水埗發展到英國嘅目標,就係希望能夠有一間好特色地道馬來西亞餐廳,令到大家可以嚟到享用馬拉美食
Casual family restaurant serving tasty chinese dishes since 1997. With more than 200 items and combos on the menu, th...
平民美食 Guay Jub Mr Joe 連續多年得到米芝蓮推介。聽落以為老闆係西人Mr Joe 賣西餐,原來係屹立曼谷幾十年嘅泰式潮汕粿汁專門店。如果你唔係潮汕人士,粿汁就係胡椒豬雜湯加卷狀河粉嘅潮汕麵食。由於舖頭門口永遠有堆人等緊...
愛丁堡 Edinburg
Pic 1 - Orea croffle and dalgona coffee latte Pic 2 - Strawberry croffle IG: onebitecafe_seattle Address: 1026 NE 65t...
專業收留感覺口渴,感覺餓的人。 (最後點餐時間10:30pm)
估唔到係Seattle downtown遊客區貴價地段都揾到平野食! 呢間泰國餐廳係Seattle有兩間分店,其中一間同著名既pike place market同gum wall只係相隔一條街。最surprise既係小編同港女去試食時...
Located in Liberty Village, we repair all types, shapes, and sizes of cameras and photographic equipment. So don't he...
About Us We know there are many items available out there for the benefit of the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement. We...