(1) 攝影: COSTCO PhotoFinishing ($0.19/ea) https://www.costcophotocentre.ca/Home (2) 沖菲林 - https://rocketrepro.com/ - h...
帶大家去睇吓 Bronner's Christmas Wonderland (全球最大嘅聖誕節舖頭) - Frankenmuth, Michigan https://youtu.be/4p_siNt6MC0
Welcome to the OrientalTeaBox facebook page! We provide different types of delicious teas to boost your mood and your...
With our decades of experience, we revolutionized our crop production equipment to produce high quality plants. Since...
⬇️⬇️更多波士頓生活資訊⬇️⬇️ www.instagram.com/feiforfun www.facebook.com/feiforfun 🍫今次由波士頓出發嘅road trip 之旅,另一個期待嘅行程一定係去Hershey C...
plantit is located in Markham and provide tons of succulent, cactus and air plant, indoor plant, wedding favour,plant...
Handmade soft toys and accessories. Made with love in Sheffield If you would like a bespoke toy - message for more de...
單以戶外活動地區嚟講,Utah 係我最鍾意嘅州份之一;國家公園都有五個,可以玩嘅地方多到講唔晒,所以今次只可以勉強介紹一個。 介紹返:錫安國家公園 (Zion National Park) Zion Canyon Visitor C...
⬇️⬇️更多波士頓生活資訊⬇️⬇️ www.instagram.com/feiforfun www.facebook.com/feiforfun 🚗Boston 👉🏻Pennsylvania road trip 之旅 未嚟Pitts...
炸雞大家就食得多,總有一間喺左近,但大家又有冇食過烤雞呢? 咪住!又係Costco? 非也,今次帶大家去食南非烤雞,鮮嫩多汁,絕不鞋口! 今次我仲用左新工具拍攝,拒絕單調!搞搞新意思! 即刻去片! Nando's Kennedy Co...
今次應該係我第4次去金源『飲啖茶食個包』之前都分享過,而最多投訴嘅應該係佢啲嘢食出到嚟係全部唔熱(room temperature)🌚 所以今次再試,其實期望不大。不過⚠️⚠️⚠️今次啲嘢食係『熱🔥』㗎😭 順帶一提,金源嘅價錢的確係相...
Our team of trained electricians in Vancouver can repair any issue. From installations to emergencies, big or small, ...