If you have a job lined up but don't have a driver's license and a vehicle to go to work, biking to work is definitel...
Fairway Market is a local grocery chain founded by a Cantonese-speaking family few decades ago. It now has about 10 s...
Hong Kong Style Restaurant
千色家品提供日本﹐香港﹐中國的優質家庭用品,令大多倫多市市民可享受各地超凡廚房用具﹐瓷器禮品﹐ 及日本電器。 We import quality houseware from around the world at affordabl...
Ice cream from scratch made with either local farm fresh ingredients or Asian flavours. Made in small batches in Otta...
Many HKers like to make sure they have saved up enough before buying a car or something of that size. But somewhere d...
當你有SIN number 又要報入息稅,有啲醫藥費係可以報税果時用嚟減税。點用呢?如果你嘅醫藥費加埋多過你總收入嘅 3%,响報稅表裡有地方俾你寫個數目落去計入你嘅 non-refundable tax credit。通常打份工,老闆...
Back when I was a foreign student in Victoria decades ago, I could get a BC driver's license just like other resident...
Wonton noodle place in Markham Ontario Canada
列治文有一個包含公立及獨立(私營)學校的優良學校 體系。公立學校由政府全額資助。家長不必為就讀公立 學校的子女支付學費。獨立學校只獲政府部分資助。在 大多數的獨立學校,家長必須為子女支付學費。 公立學校 列治文校區 (Richmond...
安港學盟創立聲明 安港學盟由一眾關注中國及香港政府的學術自由及人權問題的加拿大香港年青人所組成。本組織旨於能集結青年人力量、建立香港人海外社區,表達我們對香港及加拿大社會議題的訴求、以及提高人們對政治的關注。 本組織的三大方向為: 1...
加拿大四地物格比較 一講到移民,好多人都會想知道新環境既物價。今次搵到由幾個身處加拿大唔同地方既blogger做既香港食品價格比較,有興趣既朋友可以參考下。 睇完之後再次意識到:「維他檸檬茶」同「豆豉鯪魚」對我地黎講,已經變成「來佬...