本店致力搜羅「香港品牌」、「香港製造」、香港人嘅口味。 當然,我哋亦會向世界各地出發,搜羅世界各地嘅特式美食和產品俾大家。 pick up location: 1) Woodbine & Major Mackenzie 2) Mark...
政府註冊正規公司. 搬家送貨,家具運送,組裝家具,商業運輸,清理雜物,長/短期室內存倉(24小時電腦錄影監控),免費估價! Moving, delivery, long/short term indoor storage with 2...
「溫哥華卑詩街坊福利會」(Vancouver BC HKer Kaifong Welfare Association)的成立,旨在連結大溫地區以至卑詩省的新舊香港移民,共組更團結互助的港人移民社群。大家都曾經做過新移民,希望有經驗的街...
地址:#150-5665 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC 電話:(604) 436-2986 營業時間:七天營業9:30am-3pm, 5pm-10pm 泊車:店旁大型露天免費停車場 付賬方法:現金、信用卡 以上資訊由溫哥...
Hong Kong Style Food, Sports Bar, Chicken wings, Bubble Tea, All-Day-Breakfast, Drive Thru, Take Out and Party Tray O...
Asian Dessert & Tea House
The best new restaurant to fill your authentic Chinese food cravings from Dim Sum to lobsters. We serve daily dim sum!
Look for Dr. Ross Tam, Hong Konger Doctor of Dental Surgery FULL SERVICE CLINIC At PleasantView Family Dental, we of...
京士柏美食 Kingspark Good Food (美食中心裡的港式早晨套餐) 地址:#2129 Crystal Mall Food Court, 4500 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC 電話:604-438-3348...
Located in Liberty Village, we repair all types, shapes, and sizes of cameras and photographic equipment. So don't he...
醫生女台灣Dr. Hsu.仲有個香港男醫Dr. Lau(就退休). https://g.co/kgs/3z3ex5 Anthony Lau 604 370 4422 以上資訊由溫哥華卑詩街坊福利會提供~ 記得去MeWe 科勞返人地呀~...
Casual family restaurant serving tasty chinese dishes since 1997. With more than 200 items and combos on the menu, th...