Recognizing the growing demand for plant-based products, the restaurant's chefs go out of their way to offer a specia...
今日同大家分享一下一個慳稅的方案。呢個方案出自IRC 280A(g),見圖2。呢個方案又名為Augusta rule,至今唯一一個以地方命名的法案。 Augusta是一個在Georgia的城市。由於當地經常舉行高爾夫球賽,於是當地民眾...
Head shape deformities are more common than you might think and are completely treatable. ROKband Pediatric Headshape...
Enamel's team is absolutely outstanding. They worked their magic on my teeth, and the results of the teeth whitening ...
In the heart of New York City, at 969 3rd Ave (between 57th and 58th Streets), is a place where time-honored barberin...
Peninsula Hot Springs 之日與夜 時間啱啱好,趁墨爾本天氣又涼返,可以去嘆吓溫泉啦♨️♨️♨️😌 喺呢度浸溫泉某程度上好玩過日本,因為有好多唔同嘅體驗😏
Victoria 通常最熱都係得三幾個星期,仲要係至多廿幾卅度,不過今年(2021)真係大劑,六月尾連續幾日最熱可以過晒 36度,但係個 heat dome 一過咗就涼番正常番。哩度夏天唔似得香港咁潮濕,所以洗完衫可以好快晾得乾。如果...
你好,我係Mortgage Broker,我依家響一間local firm做緊,如果你有需要買樓/轉按/搵好Deal,歡迎留言,我會覆番你架 - 我係透過BNO visa黎既香港人,講純正香港語 - 我黎到之後入左黑馬銀行同藍色H記既...
Our team of trained electricians in Vancouver can repair any issue. From installations to emergencies, big or small, ...
以下係一位已經做咗永久居民嘅港人媽媽嘅分享: 其實生仔唔會花好多錢, 你生時就算開刀, 又或者一對一護士都唔洗錢。 我由懷孕到開刀無花過一蚊, 生完你有Canada child benefit: https://www.canada...
最近逢星期五都去咗Nanaimo Foodshare農場做義工👨🌾 搭6號巴士幾分鐘就到 屋企行過去都好快15分鐘 Nanaimo農場都幾多 多數係南邊 但就唔會隨便俾你入 Foodshare就幾Friendly 見到佢有搵義工就打...