TOP 5 Milk Tea in Toronto One Long Table Our cozy shop is the perfect place to share a meal or a cup of tea with some...
Authentic Japanese restaurant. Specializing in fresh sashimi on rice bowls.
Coffee | Tea | Oyster | Croissant | Salad | Dessert 11:00 am - 7:00 pm Daily 2nd Floor Pacific Plaza Foodcourt
今年美國各大戶外活動場所抽籤筆者又係輸晒,唔忿氣之餘又吹佢唔脹,唯有考慮北上喇~反正呢期興。所以今次筆者決定跨國界,介紹加拿大卑詩省幽鶴國家公園 (Yoho National Park) 歐哈拉湖 (Lake O'Hara)。 Yoh...
哩間近年由港人開嘅食店喺正大街巴士站後面,非常方便又開得夜,仲要啲雞肉鬆軟但係外面脆口得嚟唔硬,真係老少皆宜。 佢啲炸雞有 regular 同 spicy 兩種味,有幾個港人食過都係咁讚夠辣又夠脆,我唔食得辣就揀咗 regular 加...