《5月35日》舞台劇2019現場錄影 -Nottingham

英國 - 英格蘭 港人小聚 - 香港人活動
  吸睛指數 1358       2022-05-25 08:22:52       2022-06-11 00:00:00

《5月35日》舞台劇2019現場錄影 A screening of recorded theatre drama “35th May” 2019 門票Tickets:£6.4 日期Date:11/6/2022 (Sat) 時間Time: 2pm 地點Venue:Arnold Bonington Theatre NG5 7EE 片長Length:90mins 主辦Organizer:Nottingham Stands with Hong Kong 這是有關1989年發生的天安門六四事件。現在,沒有人可以在香港談論六四,沒有真相,就只有謊言! It is about the June 4th Massacre in Tian'anmen Square in Beijing in 1989. No one is allowed to talk about this or commemorate this tragedy in Hong Kong. There is no truth, only lies. 我們可以怎樣面對極權?正如劇中人物,怎樣可以拜祭自己死於六四事件中的兒子呢? How can we face to the totalitarianism? Just like the characters in the drama, how can they worship their own son? 只適合15歲或以上觀看 15 or above only

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