三月至六月2023 - 網上兒童廣東話班開始接收新學生報名

美國 地膽推介 - PG18家長指引
  吸睛指數 33857       2023-02-19 21:40:59
By   mimcs

我哋三月至六月網上兒童廣東話班開始接收新學生報名,歡迎你嘅小朋友參加,玩住嚟學廣東話。 認字班/初級閱讀班, Beginner Cantonese, 初級認字班 (Storytime) 和語文班將會在三月開始 Bilingual Circle Time 將會在四月開始 報名表格: https://www.jotform.com/form/213015853016143 Our Online Cantonese Classes for kids for March - June is now open for registration. Welcome your kids to join us and have fun learning Cantonese. Cantonese 1, Beginner Cantonese, Cantonese storytime and Read & Write classes will start in March. Bilingual Circle Time will start in April. Registration Form: https://www.jotform.com/form/213015853016143

兒童網上廣東話班 #廣東話 #onlinecantoneseclassforkids #cantonese

聯絡電郵 mimcs@hotmail.com
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