「認識英國生活 – 英格蘭法律系統101」網上分享會

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  1299 views       2022-06-17 19:43:40       2022-06-21 00:00:00

(held by Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會) Getting to know more about life in the UK – English Legal System 101 出現租務糾紛,同業主有爭執?遇到詐騙集團?係英國想搵律師又無從入手?覺得呢到嘅法律系統好複雜? 假如以上係你面對緊嘅問題,咁就唔好錯過今次嘅分享會啦。今次我地邀請到一位港人實習律師,簡介英格蘭嘅法律系統及制度,並且分享大家可以如可搵到適當的法律支援同幫助。 Having conflicts about tenancy and with the landlord? Being scammed? Wish to seek for a lawyer but not sure where to start? Found that the legal system here so complicated? If these are your questions, then don’t miss this coming sharing. We have invited a Hongkonger trainee solicitor to share some basics about the English Legal Systems, and where could you seek help for legal advice. 日期 Date:20/6(星期一 Monday) 時間 Time:20:00-21:00(英國時間 UK Time) 講者簡介:Joelle,實習律師,畢業於英國大學法律系,擁有英國及香港兩地法律界工作經驗。近年於各地群組分享英國生活及法律相關資訊。 About the speaker: Joelle, Trainee Solicitor, graduated in Law in UK university, worked in the legal sector of both UK and Hong Kong. Sharing life & legal related information in various local groups. 語言 Language:廣東話 Cantonese 名額:150 登記 Registration:https://forms.gle/NBpLaP9Dvh4atkQ98 查詢 Enquiry:Joash Lee, Outreach Coordinator (Southeast England) joash.lee@hongkongers.org.uk 🌐港僑協會HKB Recent Activities 最近活動資料及詳情 www.hongkongers.org.uk/mission-perm 🌐港僑協會HKB Telegram Channel t.me/HongkongersUK 🌐港僑協會HKB Instagram Page www.Instagram.com/Hongkongersuk

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