傘聚 Umbrella Formation (UF)

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  15302 views       02/21/2022

傘聚已於2021年成功註冊為社區利益公司 (CIC)。社區利益公司CIC是有限責任公司的一種,它進行商業貿易最終目標是為社會服務或者從事以社會利益為目的的商業活動,可直接面向公眾和團體提供商品、進行服務開展貿易慈善活動。

Umbrella Formation (UF) has been registered as a Community Interest Company (CIC) in 2021. UF aims to support the integration of Hong Kong migrants in London, preserve culture and contribute back to the local community in London

我們是誰: 傘聚成員包括在英國的香港人及一班關心香港的英國人,我們與香港人同舟共濟。傘聚扎根於倫敦及聚焦於主要港人聚居地,我們在融入本地同時建立了跨種族網絡。藉此社群,我們致力承存香港的文化、保留香港人身份,延續香港人精神。 ​ 隨著時代變遷 ,雨傘已成為香港人團結的象徵,並被採納為我們組織的名字。「傘」是香港文化和我們自我認同的象徵。「傘聚」除了以傘子代表香港人,亦有同音的「散聚」的意思,代表離散的港人在這個組織裏聚集在一起。當眾人撐起雨傘形成一個「遮陣」時,它象徵著團結,並為所有與我們價值觀相同的人提供庇護。團結就是力量。

Who we are We are a group of Hongkongers and British that feel solidarity with Hongkongers moving into the UK. Based in London, we have built networks with Hongkongers settled in London and more focused communities around popular Hongkongers’ settlements. We are passionate about preserving Hong Kong culture and identity.

As time evolves, the umbrella has become a symbol of solidarity within Hongkongers, which is adopted to be our name. It is a symbol of Hong Kong culture and our self-identity. The formation can be a tactical formation, but also stands for being together. When a lot of people hold their umbrellas together to form a formation, it would symbolise solidarity and provide shelter for everyone who shares our values. In a group, we can achieve more than when we are apart.

傘聚的使命 1 幫助港人融入英國,打破族群隔膜 踏入新社會,融入本地文化是其中一個最具挑戰性的一環。透過各種活動及互助生態圈,例如夥伴配對及導師計劃,協助香港移民認識英國文化。我們期望為會員打造一個可持續的活躍社群。 ​ 2 協助港人回饋社區 我們希望幫助香港人成爲英國一個密不可分的族群。就此,我們為成員籌備不同職業相關活動,幫助港人把已有技能過渡至本地所需的才能。隨著香港人成爲英國的公民,我們提供港人服務社區的機會。此舉透過讓港人參與社區服務及擴展社區人際網絡,參與者能瞭解社區所需。這些目標將會由各種項目達成。 ​ 3 承存香港文化及族群身份 猶如來自其他地方的移民,眾多香港人也保留著自身的文化及身份認同。我們希望藉著這個社群,凝聚在英港人一同享受及承存香港文化。我們的活動包括香港的歷史、飲食、藝術、語言、文學、音樂、節慶、影視等。我們舉辦恆常的活動觸及上述文化。

Mission 1 Support the integration of HK migrants and locals into the U.K. Integrating culturally and transitioning into the new society is challenging. Our focus is on helping Hong Kong migrants to learn about British culture through various forms of events and supporting systems, such as mentorship and buddy up programs. We build a dynamic and self-sufficient community across our members.

2 Support Hongkongers to contribute to the local community We wish to help Hongkongers to evolve into an indispensable ethnic group in Britain. As such, we will organise career related events to help Hongkongers to transform their skills to be applicable here. As Hongkongers become citizens of the UK, we also aim to provide opportunities for us to serve our local communities by engaging in community services and expanding their local network to gain an understanding of the needs of the local community. There are various projects that contribute to these goals.

3 Preserve our Hong Kong cultural identity Like other migrants, Hongkongers who move over to the UK retain strong ties to our cultural identity. We hope to provide the platform that brings together people to enjoy and preserve Hong Kong cultural activities. We have activities about Hong Kong’s history, cuisine, art, language, literature, music, culture, celebratory, movies and television, etc. We organise regular events and courses to meet the needs.

傘聚的願景 在英國承存及弘揚香港文化;我們致力推動多元及包容,冀望實現港人與本地人和諧共融的社群。

Vision To carry on and share Hong Kong’s culture with the local community. We promote inclusion and diversity to achieve a joyful harmony across Hong Kong migrants and local residents.

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