傘聚: 倫敦建築徒步之旅 – 金融城

英國 - 英格蘭 - 倫敦 港人小聚 - 香港人活動
  吸睛指數 2125       2022-06-15 14:47:52       2022-06-27 00:00:00

由英國註冊建築師帶領徒步遊走倫敦巿中心,分享有關特色建築物的故事,包括 St. Ethelburga Church, St. Helen’s, Gherkin, Cheesegrater, Leadenhall Market, Walkie Talkie, Monument, Church of St. Magnus, London Stone, Mansion House, 1 Poultry, Royal Exchange, Bank of England, St. Mary Aldermary, One New Change, St. Paul’s Cathedral. 旅遊策展人是英國註冊建築師,有多年倫敦工作經驗,曾參與多項大型基建、住宅及醫院項目設計,希望藉是次導賞行程讓更多香港人對倫敦建築歷史及文化能有深入了解。 日期: 2022年 6月 26日 (星期日) 時間: 下午2時-6時 集合地點: Liverpool Street Station 費用: £8 (不設退款) 報名: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/362598631267 如果有興趣認識新朋友, 一齊從樂趣中學習倫敦金融中心的建築發展! 請透過Eventbrite登記, UF 將會另外通知您集合地點和Telegram link 作當日的溝通用途! 在活動進行期間UF將拍攝作宣傳及記錄用途, 到時見🥳 📣為保障每位參加者,如參加者在當日確診新型冠狀病毒、有任何肺炎病徵或身體不適,請儘早通知主辦單位並留家休息! 你的支持可使我們繼續營運☂️ 捐款: https://www.umbrellaformation.co.uk/donate UFCIC: London Architecture Walking Tour (The City) Discover the history and architecture of London’s financial centre. The walking tour will be led by registered architect in the UK, who will tell us stories about feature landmark buildings including St. Ethelburga Church, St. Helen’s, Gherkin, Cheesegrater, Leadenhall Market, Walkie Talkie, Monument, Church of St. Magnus, London Stone, Mansion House, 1 Poultry, Royal Exchange, Bank of England, St. Mary Aldermary, One New Change, St. Paul’s Cathedral. The tour curator is a registered architect in the UK. With years of working experience in London, he has participated in the design of infrastructures, residential and hospital projects. He hopes that this guided tour would give an insight of London's architectural history and culture to Hong Kongers. Date: 26th June, 2022 (Sunday) Time: 14:00 -18:00 Meeting at: Liverpool Street Station Cost: £8 (non-refundable) Sign up: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/362598631267 Have fun exploring London financial hub with friends old and new, while learning the architectural development. Please register through Eventbrite. UF will notify you duly of the dedicated Telegram link for easy communication on the day and the exact assembly point. During the event, UF might take video/photo for record and future marketing. Looking forward to seeing you then! 🥳 📣For a safer experience and well-being for all of our participants, please notify the organiser as soon as possible and stay home to rest should you display any Covid symptoms or do not feel well. Your support will keep us going ☂️ Donation: https://www.umbrellaformation.co.uk/donate

FOLLOW #UFCIC: https://linktr.ee/ufcic Email: info@umbrellaformation.co.uk

ufcic #umbrellaformation #london #londondevent #londonweekend #architechuretour #londondarchitects #londonarchitectures #hongkonger #香港人 #bnovisa

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