寵物篇 - 溫哥華街坊會提供

加拿大 - 卑詩省 - 溫哥華 地膽推介 - 海外生活事件簿
  吸睛指數 3673       2022-01-08 11:21:55

(1) SPCA 愛護動物協會: https://spca.bc.ca/ (2) 貓貓收容所: https://catsanctuary.ca/ (3) Injured wild animal: https://spca.bc.ca/faqs/injured-orphaned-wildlife/ (4) RAPP (Report All Poachers and Polluters) at 1-877-952-7277. 24/7 line to report any known or suspected violations of fisheries, wildlife or environmental protection laws. (5) Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centre (Wild ARC): https://spca.bc.ca/locations/wild-arc/ (6) Report a marine mammal or sea turtle incident or sighting: https://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/species-especes/mammals-mammiferes/report-rapport/page01-eng.html (7) Taikoo Animal Clinic 醫生女台灣Dr. Hsu.仲有個香港男醫Dr. Lau(就退休). 前枱係3個女仔🤣其中一個(Even O)老婆🤣🤣黑口黑面個個就係😂 https://g.co/kgs/3z3ex5

以上資訊由由溫哥華街坊會提供, 睇完之後follow返人哋呀 Discord 街坊交流頻道:https://discord.gg/c9ZbeE2uHk Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/c/VanKaifong Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/vankaifong/ 卑詩生活 Guide 歡迎報料:https://www.facebook.com/groups/vankaifong

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