加港移民雞精班 - 心靈篇: 香港學者聯盟 Hong Kong Collaborative Academic Network
加港救生艇申請 #CFSO #家和 #加港救生艇 #CAHKLifeBoat #Lifeboat #救生艇 #加拿大
家和是加拿大註冊慈善機構,提供新移民,家庭,殘障及特殊需要服務。此系列短片為有志移居加拿大的朋友提供有訊,並不提供移民咨詢或移民顧問服務。CFSO is a registered charity with funding from Immigration Canada. We do NOT provide immigration consultant services, nor do we make profits out of our services. We developed this series of educational tools on our volunteer hours to help HKers in need.