Midgate Optical

加拿大 - 卑詩省 - 溫哥華 商店 - 其他
  吸睛指數 27310       2021-10-08 15:13:52

Our optician, Thomas Wong, is fully licensed and has 30 years of specialized experience in fitting soft contact lenses for astigmatism and in multifocal contact lenses for presbiopia We also offer an array of custom lens shape designs for Silhouette rimless eyewear. At Midgate Optical, our team will make sure you are cared for with the best service and exact lenses you need.

聯絡電郵 midgateoptical@gmail.com
聯絡電話 6045253818
地址 7020 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5E 1E7, Canada
網址 http://midgateoptical.com
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