Walking Through (走遍) Trafford - (2022年6月27日 (一) 上午10時30分至中午12時30分)

英國 - 英格蘭 - 曼徹斯特 港人小聚 - 香港人活動
  吸睛指數 1121       2022-06-02 18:44:34       2022-06-28 00:00:00

Dane Road & Stretford Community Tour (10:30am - 12:30pm, Monday, 27th June 2022) Dane Road 及 Stretford 社區遊 (2022年6月27日 (一) 上午10時30分至中午12時30分)

Route 12 路線12: Dane Road Metrolink Station (Gather) --- Priory Gardens (muddy path) --- Sale Water Park (muddy path) --- River Mersey (muddy path) --- Stretford Ees (muddy path) --- Turn Moss Playing Fields (muddy path) --- Stretford Public Hall --- Victoria Park (Stretford) --- Stretford Mall Food Hall (optional, at your own cost) --- Stretford Metrolink Station (dismiss) Gathering time: 10:25 am Warnings (MUST READ before you register): The path will be extremely muddy and it will be very easy to make your clothes, shoes and belonging dirty. So, please wear suitable shoes and clothes to protect yourself. Trafford Hongkongers CIC will not be responsible for any lost, damage and/or replacement of your belongings. If it rains before the walk starts, or the MET Office forecast there will be a shower during the community tour time, Trafford Hongkongers CIC reserves the right to cancel or change the route without prior notice. Nonetheless, we will try our best to inform you of any changes, so please make sure your contact information provided is correct when you sign up. Dane Road 電車站 (集合)--- Priory Gardens (泥濘路) --- Sale Water Park (泥濘路) --- River Mersey (泥濘路) --- Stretford Ees (泥濘路) --- Turn Moss Playing Fields (泥濘路) --- Stretford Public Hall --- Victoria Park (Stretford) --- Stretford Mall Food Hall (可自行決定是否參加, 餐飲自費) --- Stretford 電車站 (解散) 集合時間:上午 10:25 警告(報名前務必細閱): 路面可能極之泥濘,非常容易整污糟衣物、鞋及個人物品。所以請大家穿著合適衣物及鞋去保護你自己。Trafford Hongkongers CIC 並不會為你的個人物品的遺失、損毀及/或更換而負責。 如果社區遊開始前落雨,或英國氣象部門預測於社區遊時間會有大雨,Trafford Hongkongers CIC 保留權力取消或更改路線而不作另行通知。儘管如此,我們會盡力知會你有更變動,請你報名時確定你所提供的聯絡資料正確。 Registration 報名: https://forms.gle/RKUD1yHVeHbjKKLT7

網址 https://www.traffordho...
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