Driving on Vancouver Island 溫哥華島自駕遊 Route II Nanaimo-Parksville-PortAlberni

加拿大 - 卑詩省 地膽推介 - 海外生活事件簿
  吸睛指數 12898       2023-12-17 07:17:09

第二日去Nanaimo以北 一起步就俾高速公路嘅交通意外delay咗半粒鐘 結果大概用一個鐘先到North Island Wildlife Recovery Center野生動物恢復中心 The next day I started off my journey to North Island Wildlife Recovery Center. A car accident on the highway caused traffic jam in the morning, delaying my entire schedule for half an hour. The Recovery Center, as its name suggests, aims to recover wildlife which have been in starving conditions or dangerous situations. I stuck outside the Center for a while before knowing that the entrance was inside the gift shop. The entrance fee (staff called this sort of wildlife protection fund) was 15.00 plus tax on weekday. Passing through the 3D area with endless wildlife information, I found the bald eagle at first sight. The size was huge and it was surprisingly not tied with any string on its legs. I love all owls there, especially the great horned and snowy. Elsa the snowy owl is super cute with its white fur and sleepy eyes. You can learn about their reason of presence from the signs. The stories are touching which you can explore more yourselves. There were also other animals such as ducks, turkey, rabbits, eagles, ravens, turtles, etc., with a small garden. Before I left, the breeder was feeding a young bear with eggs. The bear was determined not suitable to release to the wild, but I bet it looked so happy with the food and environment here. Not being a big fan of zoo, I appreciate the work done here which is much meaningful and respectful. Nanaimo to Wildlife Recovery Center - 35 minutes. 顧名思義 中心目的就係幫受傷受困有生存困難嘅野生動物 回復生存能力 可以就野放 唔適合就可以留喺到過世 入口喺禮品店入面 平日15蚊 職員話唔係入場票黎 我聽漏咗佢講乜 大概係保育基金之類 入去有個3D動物區 有介紹溫哥華島嘅野生動物 睇完出戶外就會見到隻大禿鷹 神奇地係冇綁住隻腳 唔通冇咗飛行能力? 全場最得意就係啲貓頭鷹 其中Great Horned(大鵰) Great Eared(長耳) Snowy(雪)都好趣致 雪鴞係最特別嘅 因為佢雪白色 又肥嘟嘟咁 啱啱見果陣似乎未完全瞓醒 旁邊啲牌都有寫相關資料同啲動物係咩因由入黎 留番俾大家慢慢睇 成個場仲有啲鴨 火雞 兔 鷹 鴉 龜 等等 有個花園仔同池仔 臨走見到飼養員喂蛋俾熊食 佢話隻熊有病 已經唔適合野放 咁佢睇落都食得好開心嘅 希望你餘生都享受係度俾人服侍啦 個人都對動物園幾反感 但呢度唔算係動物園 做嘅野都幾有意義 非常尊重 Englishman River Falls Park locates near the Center. Be aware not to confuse with Englishman River Regional Park which is another good hiking trail. I headed down to Lower Falls first. The view was narrow but looked like fantasy. The Upper Falls is actually closer to the car park region, but both are within 5-minute walk. The scene is tremendous as you can see in the picture. I enjoyed much with lack of visitors unlike most big falls. Wildlife Recovery Center to Englishman River Falls - 10 minutes. Englishman River Falls就有大瀑布 記得唔好撈亂20分鐘車程外嘅Englishman River Regional Park 快步行去下游 個視野有啲窄 不過幾夢幻 行番停車場再去近啲嘅上游 就係圖中嘅大瀑布 兩邊都5分鐘路程就到 冇乜遊客 可以獨享大瀑布 The checkpoint before getting to Port Alberni was Cathedral Grove, the forest walkway built on the sides of the highway. Some of the trees here are over 800 years old. You can feel the “green” atmosphere once you step out from the car. Please note the walkway is quite slippery after showers of rain. Drive carefully too on Alberni Highway since it is curvy all along. Englishman River Falls to Cathedral Grove - 30 minutes. 去Port Alberni公路中間有個區叫Cathedral Grove 西行就係一個圈嘅步行徑 東行就係幾棵800歲嘅大樹 中間可以過馬路 呢段限咗行50km/h 步行徑地面濕滑多青苔 Alberni Highway就九曲十三彎 要注意行車安全 I spent more time than I expected on every spot above, so I arrived at Port Alberni at 1350. Homestead was closed so I bought taco from Porto Taco. The pier was a gem which provided a comfortable and beautiful place for my lunch. The taco costed 8.92 and tasted well, simple time-saving meal. Cathedral Grove to Port Alberni - 20 minutes. 每個地點都比預算花得多時間 加上朝早嘅塞車 去到Port Alberni已經接近2點 Homestead唔開 就上去Porto Taco買個墨西哥Taco 8.92 幾好味 但依然唔了解點解咁多人鍾意食 碼頭好靚 人流都唔多 可以慢慢嘆午餐同景色 Stamp River Provincial Park was smaller than I expected since I went to the downstream direction only. Only 1 lady with a dog was seen over my 1-hour visit. There was a dam right next to the car park. A few routes can then be further explored within 10 minutes each. No bear nor even fish was seen which was a bit disappointing, but that’s travel. Port Alberni to Stamp River - 20 minutes. Stamp River Provincial Park就淨係夠時間行下游 泊車之後行1分鐘會見到大壩 仲見到隻鷹係度搵魚 然後有幾條分叉路 每條10分8分鐘有Viewpoint 有條就一直落底 去到圖右下角嘅水平面 記住落幾多就要上番幾多 同埋最好沿原路番停車場 我行咗另一條 結果要兜大圈行馬路 本身諗住碰運氣睇吓熊 但魚都唔多條 LOL 1535走人 揸番一個鐘去Parksville 自駕遊的話就唔需要回頭 直接係Port Alberni過夜 Beachcomber Regional Park was on my return way via Parksville which accounted for the +78km in the cover picture. Indeed, you can simply visit the parks around Parksville before getting to Recovery Center, and settle your night at Port Alberni without heading back. I came for the sunset, but obviously I missed the moment. There were still magnificent colors on the sky and more luckily, I bumped into a deer with its children! They were slightly alerted but not afraid of my presence. After examining they just enjoyed their meal causally. It was wonderful to end the day with this peaceful memory. Stamp River to Beachcomber - 80 minutes. 1650番到Parksville嘅Beachcomber 日落就錯過咗 淨番啲啲餘霞 最驚喜係見到隻鹿BB 之後見到佢阿爸定阿媽 2隻都有望一望我 但警戒唔高 轉頭就專心食草 幾特別 咁近見到野生鹿 算係完滿結束當日行程💛


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