Jobs for ESL Newcomers

加拿大 - 卑詩省 - 維多利亞 地膽推介 - 海外生活事件簿
  吸睛指數 34454       2021-06-05 04:13:49

If your spoken English is to be worked on, and could start with working casual for the first year or so, maybe applying for a foodservice position with one of the contracted out hospital jobs can be an option. I have heard that the turnover is rather high because many students would work long enough to save for something and then leave. If you can stand a 12-hour shift with 2 days on 2 days off type of schedule, this is a good starting point. You could slowly get to know the culture and surroundings while earning some money and work experience. I have noticed many grocery stores are hiring too, as well as McD's etc. Many employers are willing to pay above the minimum wage and/or throw in various benefits to attract and keep people in the company. Keep an open mind and make it a learning opportunity. I know someone who did not speak any English in Hong Kong but managed to work in a fast food restaurant while learning the language. Don't worry about language barrier, most people I have interacted with during my first few years in Victoria are kind and patient. Let them help you adapt and integrate. is popular for local job seekers. Have a look around to see the requirements and offerings.

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