
加拿大 - 安省 - 多倫多 地膽推介 - 移民攻略
  吸睛指數 7390       2021-06-13 23:42:57

加港移民雞精班-申請及政策:疫情期間邊境關閉如何入境 Canada-HK LifeBoat - Application & Policies: IBorder Entry During Pandemic Lockdown

1:30 Who can enter Canadian borders during pandemic lockdown 疫情期間邊境關閉如何入境 5:30 OWP holders without job offer or school offer or family cannot enter border during lockdown 疫情期間沒有工作合約, 入學資格, 或直系親屬不能入境 8:20 Principal Applicant of OWP needs to have a job offer to enter before family can enter 主申請人須有資格入境 8:50 Job offer for Caregiver 看護的工作合約 10:10 OWP holders can use Post-Secondary Study Offer and Study Permit to enter borders 工簽持有人也可用學簽入境 12:30 Types of eligible Job Offers 可入境的工作合約 13:25 When in urgent need to leave 急需離港 14:45 When the job does not suit you 如需辭職 15:55 Closed/Employer-Specific Work Permit 開放式工簽 vs 僱主提名工簽 19:00 When school does not suit you 如需退學 20:00 Tuition for children to attend post-secondary education 孩子的大專學費 21:00 Avoid agent scams 提防移民陷阱 23:55 Be truthful to yourself 別自欺欺人 24:45 Bringing seniors and caregivers along 攜同長輩或家庭護理員 26:40 Can senior parents or caregivers become PR 長輩或家庭護理員能否成為移民

家和是加拿大註冊慈善機構,提供新移民,家庭,殘障及特殊需要服務。此系列短片志在為有需要移居加拿大的朋友提供有用資訊,但家和並不提供移民咨詢或移民顧問服務。 CFSO is a registered charity with funding from Immigration Canada. We do NOT provide immigration consultant services, nor do we make profits out of our services. We developed this series of educational tools to help HKers in need.

加港救生艇 #CAHKLifeBoat #Lifeboat #救生艇 #加拿大 #CFSO #家和

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