Nanaimo BC Volunteer Farmer 卑詩省納奈莫市 務農體驗

Canada - BC DNLM Reco - Life in
  17852 views       2023-08-23 01:20:05

最近逢星期五都去咗Nanaimo Foodshare農場做義工👨‍🌾 搭6號巴士幾分鐘就到 屋企行過去都好快15分鐘 Nanaimo農場都幾多 多數係南邊 但就唔會隨便俾你入 Foodshare就幾Friendly 見到佢有搵義工就打電話去講聲聽朝到 搞掂 顧名思義農場就係Share Food 有Food Box賣 有好多Youth Senior Community Program 個網站做得都幾簡潔清晰 時間係星期五10點開始 調理農務到1-2點 中間休息食條蕉咁 冇規定你幾時到 幾時走 幾時抖 好自由 農場面積唔算超級大 但一小塊/一小行田都夠你忙㗎啦

農場主人同一兩個Helpers就通常要帶住條Youth Team 目測20歲左右 所以唔會點得閒逐樣講 但你問就會解釋得幾詳盡 主要工作就係除雜草 Weeding 一個鏟一對手套就得 加頂帽仲好 帶手套帶手套帶手套 很重要所以講三次 第一次去徒手 結果洗到手爛 指甲黑邊都係清唔晒 潔癖表示接受唔到 另外手套防植物尖刺 防蜜蜂針 都好緊要 咁佢間中都會問我做成點 叫我記得抖下飲水 然後就會問想唔想轉吓Task 其他農務有綁蕃茄(好多兼好重會墜晒係地下) 修剪枝節 收成 綁蕃茄都唔易 十個廿個嘅枝節堆埋一齊都幾頭痕 但疏理完綁好非常有成功感😂 收成就當然最輕鬆最開心 有時做做吓就會講吓品種 開試食大會 本身都冇預有咩回報 唔係點叫義工 但佢每次都堅持送啲嘢俾我 送過美洲南瓜 荷蘭芹 有送蕃茄 不過我見產量未係咁多就留番俾有需要嘅人 對上一次就膽粗粗問佢拎種子 結果俾咗蘿蔔再加生菜種子 依家係花園試種緊 希望十月收成啦

識我嘅知我又自私又懶 義工呢味嘢唔存在喺我腦海 要幫Minority應該係政府商家呃錢NGO去做 唔應該平民頭痛醫頭咁幫 當然 上述3個Entities多數各有目的 邊會理得你啲星斗市民 義工香港可能做過一兩次咁大把 仲要係為咗AYP儲鐘 咁點解我會去呢 一來搵唔到Part Time做 二來廢咗成個暑假 想搵吓野搞 三來有啲Local Experience 講咁多理由 其實都對我冇乜推動力 最尾都係為咗貢獻吓加拿大社會 (雖然學費生活費都已經貢獻好多俾加拿大🤪) 始終PR Policy已經係Free Ride番黎 犧牲得太多人 再係度做廢人都過唔到自己 試吓新野都好嘅 漏咗講 其實我加拿大第二個Offer就係Halifax Agriculture Diploma 可惜太遲先有Offer 呢邊已經俾晒第一學期學費

Anyway 有興趣務農都可以聯絡你地區嘅農場 親子去就最適合


I have been volunteering at Nanaimo Foodshare every Friday since August. It is close to downtown with 5-minute bus no.6. There are plenty of farms in Nanaimo, mostly in the South, but Nanaimo Foodshare is one of the friendliest farms which allow you to participate. It offers food boxes, youth, senior and community programs to Nanaimo and cities in Vancouver Island. Its website is quite neat too. Volunteers are welcome from 10 to 2 on Friday. You are free to arrive, leave and rest at any moment above.

The owner and helpers often take care of a youth team, so you are on your own at most time. However, they always provide detailed explanation to your questions, and enquire about your working condition. The main task is weeding with shovel and a pair of gloves, best with a hat too. The importance of glove cannot be overemphasized due to the hygiene and safety. The owner usually asks if I would like to switch tasks from weeding. Tying tomatoes, deadheading and harvesting are the most common other tasks. It’s not easy to tie tomato branches but the sense of accomplishment is wonderful after the job. Without doubt harvesting is always the delighting task. Sometimes they explain the variety of different plants, and offer everyone to taste during work. Return is not expected from volunteering, but the owner always offers fresh ingredients to me. She gave me zucchini, parsley, (cherry tomatoes), and most importantly seeds for radish and lettuce. I grow them in my yard now, foreseeing outcome in October.

Anyway, if you are interested in agriculture or new experience, don’t hesitate to call your nearest farm to participate. Kids would definitely love that too.

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