兒童珠心算課程 Passionate Abacus & Brain Development

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  吸睛指數 22478       2021-01-19 20:13:51

Learning Abacus and Mental Arithmetic is not only increase Mathematics ability (including numeracy, calculation and Mathematical problem solving skills), but also develop personal qualities for the benefit of future learning. ⦁ Concentration ⦁ Memorization ⦁ Observation ⦁ Imagination ⦁ Self-confidence What is Abacus? Abacus is a kind of ancient Chinese "calculator", by moving the beads up & down to perform their calculations. Abacus Mental Arithmetic is solely done by imagining the abacus and the moving beads to perform calculations. Through step by step training with daily practice, everyone can easily master the technique and have confident in doing calculations. 學習珠心算不但鹿能夠展現計算的技巧功能, 更重要是培養學生的集中力、記憶力、敏銳力、想像力、自信心! 珠心算訓練能有效地幫助學生在學習態度上打下堅固的基礎,從而幫助他們面對將來學習上更大的挑戰。所謂:“一科學成,百科受益”。 珠心算即是珠算式心算, 學習珠心算一定要先學會珠算, 學生經過長期練習及口訣熟練, 在大腦內逐漸產生算盤影像, 然後才可在大腦中打算盤。

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