Driving on Vancouver Island 溫哥華島自駕遊 Route I Nanaimo-Chemainus-LakeCowichan

Canada - BC DNLM Reco - Life Overseas
  20325 views       2023-12-17 07:16:36

十一月中租咗兩日車遊吓Nanaimo附近 其實新牌就唔應該揸咁遠 但租車咁貴每日有200KM冇理由晒咗佢 首先要講一講租車公司話新車 結果俾咗㗎2012Corolla我 當堂X咗一聲 後鏡頭用黎泊車都冇呀 In mid-Nov, I rented a car for 2 days during study week to explore cities near Nanaimo. It took me a while to get familiar with the 2012 Corolla and driving alone without my driving tutor. My first checkpoint was Chemainus, a cute city known for murals, boutiques and galleries. The most famous place is the Chemainus Theatre, with year-round events, performances and festival. Due to the rain in the morning, I only made a short stay in Chemainus Bakery, best known for its ultimate cinnamon buns. I am not a big fan of sweet buns but it tasted really nice. The street was desolate but the bakery was still busy. Nanaimo to Chemainus - 25-40 minutes, depending on your route. 高速行行吓俾個路牌老點 入咗條50KM/H嘅小路 最後45分鐘先到Chemainus 沿高速就25-30分鐘啦 Chemainus係一個小鎮 以壁畫同畫廊見稱 最出名就係個劇院 都幾靚㗎 朝早落雨 條街都冇人 入咗去Chemainus Bakery 食最多人講嘅肉桂圓麵包 老實講都幾甜 但配咖啡或者茶就應該perfect 麵包舖長期有客 同條空無一人嘅大街相映成趣 Next, I arrived at Glenora Trails Head Park. This is the beginning of Cowichan Valley Rail Trail, taking 5 hours to walk to Lake Cowichan. My goal was Holt Creek Trestle, 8-minute walking distance from the Park. It is not a common place to get to so by the time I arrived, only a few vehicles were parked and less than 5 people were seen along the trail. This is a nice place to spend with the nature and have a look on the trestle, but if your time is limited, you may skip this spot. Chemainus to Glenora - 30 minutes. 下一站去Duncan附近嘅Glenora Trails Head Park 大概30分鐘 呢度係去Lake Cowichan郊遊徑嘅起點 但要行5個鐘 同埋你要揸車黎 行到去Cowichan我都唔知點番黎 個公園就冇乜興趣 主要係行8分鐘去睇Holt Creek Trestle 舊鐵軌高架橋 沿途都冇乜人 同平時去嘅郊遊點差唔多 多一座木橋有條河咁解 如果時間唔充裕呢個可以唔去 睇相就得 Lake Cowichan was my next checkpoint. This was quite a quiet city with limited amount of people and vehicles around. I tried the signature milkshake in JV’s Diner. Their burger and hand-cut fries were awesome too but I strongly recommend any milkshake. You would be amazed! The price was quite expensive though, around $28 after tax with a burger, fries and milkshake. Glenora to Lake Cowichan - 30 minutes. 出發去Lake Cowichan 都係30分鐘 呢段路最正係100KM/H 然後幾乎冇車 所以係好爽 2點鐘又開始落雨 入去JV’s Diner食嘢 叫完個漢堡包先醒起 我主要係要試奶昔 舖頭入面都好多懷舊機器 裝修都好靚 漢堡包同薯條都對得起個價錢 杯奶昔超正 埋單連稅差唔多$28 嘔血 所以我真係唔鍾意出街食 有時間就可以去Ed's Coffeehouse嘆杯咖啡 我太趕冇買 With less than 10 minutes, I got to Spring Beach. The road outside was quite scary. Once you get off the car and walk pass the short trail, you would find the tranquil heaven. But be careful, you cannot step on the private dock. I found Mile 77 Park by accident. Eventually I arrived at Arbutus Park. This was the best mirror reflection from the Lake I have ever seen. Everything with that scene was simply out of the world. 10分鍾車程就到Spring Beach Recreation Site 外面條路有啲恐怖 得2架廢車 行入森林2分鐘就會見到圖中仙境 加埋霧以為上天堂 碼頭係私人嘅唔上得去 但睇外圍都好足夠了 搵唔到Price Park 意外去咗Mile 77 Park 都唔錯 仲有條小郊遊徑可以行 最後去到Arbutus Park 應該係我人生見過最靚嘅反射湖面 同埋完全冇人 呢個景大癲 各位可以繼續向西遊Cowichan Lake 租車來回呢度已經超咗極限200KM


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