2023年網上兒童廣東話班 & 網上兒童農曆新年畫班

USA DNLM Reco - PG18 Parental Guide
  37589 views       2022-12-23 03:33:26
By   mimcs


學正體字班 (Learning Traditional Chinese characters classes) Level 1: Cantonese storytime (初級認字班)Ages 2-8 Level 2: Cantonese 1 (認字班/初級閱讀班)Ages 5-10 Level 3: Read & Write (語文班/高級閱讀班)Ages 7-12 廣東話對話班 (Cantonese Conversation classes) Bilingual Circle time: Ages 2-5 Beginner Cantonese: Ages 5-10

兔年就快到啦!🐰 我哋好高興,倩茹老師將會教小朋友畫兔年農曆新年畫。歡迎你嘅小朋友報名參加。 北美報名表格: https://form.jotform.com/220415290508146 For UK's families: https://littlepandacantonese.uk/booking/events/chinesenewyear-event-2022?fbclid=IwAR3ILsi8QNy5H5wYA2pFGauX6Fn_ggEuORyWLqBMoakBstKLd2dYsGMK5zw

兒童網上廣東話班 #廣東話 #onlinecantoneseclassforkids #cantonese #網上兒童農曆新年畫班

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dunan24 2023-10-30 10:33:36


dunan24 2023-10-23 16:21:56

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