醫療篇 - 溫哥華街坊會提供

加拿大 - 卑詩省 - 溫哥華 地膽推介 - 海外生活事件簿
  吸睛指數 29434       2022-01-08 11:22:59

(1) 家庭醫生 - Find a family doctor in BC https://bccfp.bc.ca/for-the-public/find-a-family-doctor/ to all newcomers on board: welcome! family doctor has to be self-registered provided that you have carecard (landed, PR, etc.), most GP are already registered and may not have any openings for newcomers but never hurts to try (approach their clinics in-person to ask)....fact: most GP clinics regularly purge old client accts every 3 to 5 or 7 yrs (some clients passed away or moved out of country, etc.)...

(2) 牙科醫生 - 評價: https://www.ratemds.com/best-doctors/ - Dr Peter Lam (welcome new patient): http://broadwayfamilydentalcentre.ca/our-team - Dr Pearl Chow 係E Hasting - Dr Anthony S K Li DMD (可以講廣東話): http://www.olympiadental.ca/

(3) 眼科 - https://fyidoctors.com/en/locations/burnaby/fyidoctors-burnaby-doctors-of-optometry - Dr Thomas Lau: 6042732055 Suite 5060 8171 Ackroyd Road Richmond BC V6X3K1 - Eye Square Optical Ltd (基本上眼鏡舖都有驗眼、配眼鏡一條龍服務。我舊年去過尼間,服務唔錯,粵語完全OK) 1275-4000 No. 3 Rd, Richmond, BC V6X 0J8, Canada +1 604-370-3329 https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZC23t4WhJGNUQMHe6

(4) 物理治療 - Ellis Lai (谷友推介,可以講廣東話): http://www.westwoodphysio.com/ - Alex Wong (谷友推介,可以講廣東話): https://www.lifemark.ca/Keefer-Place - https://www.sunrisephysio.com/ (有講廣東話的物理治療師) - https://www.centralparkpt.com/ (有講廣東話的物理治療師)

(5) 中醫 - Richmond Empire 養生堂 - 郭天 明/ 菊醫師 https://www.yellowpages.ca/bus/British-Columbia/Richmond/Zaburo-Holding-Ltd/1746988.html - Metrotown 王慧雯 778 997 8551

(6) 搵Walk In醫生網: https://medimap.ca/

(7) 政府保險 (Medical Services Plan eligibility) https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/health-drug-coverage/msp/bc-residents/eligibility-and-enrolment/are-you-eligible#dependents

(8) 全民醫藥計劃: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/health-drug-coverage/pharmacare-for-bc-residents/who-we-cover/fair-pharmacare-plan

(9) 預先護理安排: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/seniors/health-safety/advance-care-planning

(10) Medical insurance for visitor: https://www.safevisit.ca/index.php

(11) Edmonds Urgent and Primary Care Centre: https://www.fraserhealth.ca/Service-Directory/Locations/Burnaby/edmonds-urgent-and-primary-care-centre#.YHYi3VNlC8M

(12) 婦科 如果冇family doctor referral,專科係唔收症㗎 also: for specialists such as OBGYN (who is also responsible for child delivery, etc.), you must go through your family GP to get referral (they will refer you to the specialists, not you go look for one)...all specialists are registered to a particular hospital to perform surgeries, so don't be surprised that you may ended up having surgery in Surrey, or New West even though you live in Vancouver....that is somewhat a norm..

以上資訊由由溫哥華街坊會提供, 睇完之後follow返人哋呀 Discord 街坊交流頻道:https://discord.gg/c9ZbeE2uHk Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/c/VanKaifong Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/vankaifong/ 卑詩生活 Guide 歡迎報料:https://www.facebook.com/groups/vankaifong

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