Carmen Suen



Carmen 移居美國20+年,住遍美國東南西北5個不同州份,現居麻省波斯頓市郊,是廣東話 podcast「Flo 女人同學會」( 的主持之一。

在香港筆耕多年後,Carmen於2003年決定遠走美國,重新認識自已。多年來過着半遊牧生活,住遍美國東南西北5個不同州份,現居波士頓鄰近小鎮,日間在當地一家大學從事市場推廣工作,晚上忙於周旋在家中一大兩小之間,難得找來時間讀書寫字,調節心理。首篇短篇小說FOURTEEN刊於剛推出的小說集HONG KONG NOIR一書中。

Carmen Suen is a co-host of the Cantonese podcast Flo Women's Club and a contributor to the anthology HONG KONG NOIR (Akashic, December 2018).

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Carmen had been a magazine writer and editor for some of the biggest names in Hong Kong, including City Magazine, Eat and Travel, and East Magazine. She was also one of the founding editors of the photography blog Resolve when it launched in 2008.

Since relocating to the United States, Carmen has been living a semi-nomadic life with her husband, their two boys, a couple of turtles, and a German Shorthaired Pointer, moving from the Wild West to the Southwest and the Midwest, until finally settling in the Boston area.

You can also find Carmen's writing in magazines such as VOGUE HONG KONG and UNDOMESTICATED.